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2 x white onions, roughly chopped
1 x green pepper, chopped
1 x yellow pepper, chopped
1 x red pepper, chopped
2 x carrots, peeled and chopped
Olive oil for cooking
2 Tbsps. of garlic
60ml of Red pepper harissa paste
1 Tbsp. ginger powder
Mexican spice for flavour
2 x sachets of tomato paste
1 x cup of hot water
1 x tin of butter beans
1 x packet of West Peak Meats Bacon and cheese chilli braaiwors

Start by braaing a pack of West Peak Meats new Bacon and cheese chilli braaiwors!

Step 2 – tightly the onions, peppers and carrots in foil and either roast in the oven or place over medium coals until soft.

Heat some olive oil in a cast-iron pan over the coals and fry the garlic Red pepper harissa paste, ginger powder and Mexican spice for flavour. Stir in the tomato paste and add the hot water, add the veggies and one tin of butter beans. Once cooked through, placepieces of the Bacon and cheese chilli braaiwors and simmer and season to taste.

Serve with the Beer and bacon bread (see recipe on our recipe page).